Writing and Art workshop, with Ian Marchant and Carole Havard. Memories of Newhaven, the Ouse Valley and Seaford Bay. Do you have old diaries from your past, and would like to do something with them? Have you traced your family history, and want to make a story about what you found? Did your great-grandfather write letters home from the Western Front, and would you like other people to read them? Or do you just want to get your memories onto the page? And do you have old family photos or films that you would like to use in a story, or in the making of a work of art? Experienced writing tutor Ian Marchant and artist and facilitator Carole Havard will be your guides for this day long workshop. Places are limited, so please book early.
Sponsored by Newhaven Festival - newhavenfestival.sussex@gmail.com